Monday, June 29, 2009

Coming Up!

Wednesday July 1st
--Pastor Charity leaves for Burundi. You can keep up with the Saltshaker team's progress at
Just keep a lookout for posts marked Burundi Saltshaker!

Saturday July 4th
--Church barbecue and picnic on the parsonage lawn. 6:30 pm is when the fun begins. Bring a lawn chair, side dish, and something to throw on the grill!

Sundays July 5th & 12th
--Guest speakers Tom Miller and Frank Dorsey will share with us in our morning worship.

Tuesday July 14th
--Elder's meeting 6:30 pm.
Pastor Charity arrives in Wichita, back from Burundi!

Thursday & Friday July 16th-17th
-- Bilingual Vacation Bible School!

Sunday July 19th
-- Regular Business Meeting following Morning Worship.

Wednesday July 22nd-Saturday July 25th
-- Ministry Conference in Haviland, Ks.

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